Backfill Your Job Board with Jobs

Job boards are increasingly recognizing the value of backfilling their job board results with results from job aggregators and large job boards such as Indeed, SimplyHired, CareerBuilder, and others. The idea is simple. Your job postings appear first, but after that, relevant results are back filled with job postings from the partner you integrate with for the backfill, providing more content for your users. The large job boards and aggregators simply index more jobs than most niche job boards can manually post or even sell, so it makes sense, as a resource to their users to offer as many jobs as possible.

For many job board owners, backfilling jobs from another source helps them achieve their goals of providing content to job seekers and helping their job board stay successful. Although job backfill results may look different, depending on the source, they can each help job board owners populate their new or existing job board quickly and easily. Some backfill arrangements provide revenue streams for the job board owners, with the first few results being pay per click sponsored ads. Others offer revenue streams tied to the number of applicants a job board provides. Others simply make their jobs available and offer no revenues, but the job seeker stays on the job board owner's site throughout the process, even when applying for the job. Whatever your objectives for backfilling jobs to populate your job board, there are many options.

Jobbex job board software, by Avidweb Technologies, Inc., has been providing job backfill integration for job board site owners for many years. Most job board owners are extremely happy with results from backfilling jobs. However, when a job board owner has a very specific niche, such as a very specific location or industry, the number of relevant results indexed by even the job aggregators diminishes. In these cases, strategies for adding keyword, location, and even and/or statements to backfill queries to return the most possible relevant results for your backfill become important. Working with an experienced partner to sort through the revenue stream options available and integrate the results to maximize the number of relevant jobs returned from your backfill can make all the difference in making your backfill successful while adding to your job board's success.


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